How to say goodbye to 2019

December 28, 2019

Aren't we all excited for 2020?

I'm actually spending the last few days of 2019 getting ready for the coming year. It has been a great year for me. I sometimes don't want it to end. I have a number of successes in the past twelve months. And though not everything go the way I wanted things to happen, I have learned so much from my failures and setbacks.    

How do you say goodbye to 2019? I must say we all should end the year with a grateful heart to start the new year with a positive vibe. 

Recall the events in the year that's about to end. 

I have a notebook where I write down the highlights of the good things that happened to me. I focused more on self-care and financial stability this year. I worked harder than I used to (but not as hard as I want to) and earned more than enough to finally afford going to the skincare clinic to address my skin concerns. I have also proved that I can afford to pay my insurance's premium (read about my journey HERE ) and even managed to invest some more. I have also became less of an impulse buyer. Another highlight is the birth of this blog and having my own e-mail address.

Share your blessings.

I have always been grateful for the financial blessings no matter how small. I try as much as I can to give back and share my blessings with the people who helped me and made life's challenges conquerable. I also believe that paying it forward attracts more blessings. 

Always say Thank You.

I make it a habit to say thank you anyone -- to the waiter who cleans the table for me, the stranger who opens the door of the supermarket when my hands are carrying a load of groceries, or the bank teller who updated my passbook. Always express gratitude to those people who have helped make this year better for you.


You definitely have collected things you don't really need and will never use. There are people who will be glad to receive them. It will also give you a clear space to welcome the blessings of 2020. 

Make plans for 2020.

Update your bucket list. Plan a vacation or learn a new skill. Also,  revisit your to-do list and tick off as many tasks as you can. If you feel overwhelmed, then just choose one task and get it done before the end of the year.  Delete any old and unnecessary files and emails. Plan on organizing your files, records, and identify things that have been draining your energy and think of better ways to deal with them in 2020.

No matter how life treated you in 2019 , always remember that there is something great in it . And next year you can make it even better.