What I've Learned From My La Union Trip

June 27, 2018

If you have traveled with me, you'd be surprised with how my La Union trip turned out to be. I'm such an OC thus making travelling stressful from planning to returning home. La Union was a different story. I was not even hands-on and I was not bothered.

I learned that..

it is possible to leave my comfort zone. I should not be way too concerned about how the bed or the bathroom look like. It should not always be better than what I have at home. I can enjoy a good meal even when I'm scared of the cats under the table. 

it's okay not to have a plan. My OC level during travels is having a comprehensive itinerary. I already know what time to go to a certain place, the route, the cost, everything. But it's okay to not have a plan. Forget about the "must-see", "must-eat", and "must-try". It's okay not to know where to eat or where to go next. You'll be surprised with what you'll discover. 

i can be more grateful. Wouldn't it be better if we complain less? The weather was unpredictable when I was in La Union. We experienced more rain than sun but it's okay. We managed not to have an idle moment. The pork in the sinigang was on the tough side but the soup was so comforting. The coffee shop where we wanted to have breakfast doesn't open until 9 but we were grateful to find a better place to eat.

i am free to be me. I don't need to bring beautiful clothes to have a praise-worthy #OOTD on my social media accounts. I can eat as much as I want without being judged of getting fat. I can do ridiculous things and not worry I'll get caught by the camera lens looking stupid. 

a good company is all I need. I have never traveled with friends or strangers. I've known Arnel and Ted from the blogging community for a few years only and I'm glad I got to have them with me. No dramas. No expectations. They helped me shed my selfish, pampered self and broaden my perspective about life.

La Union has changed me. And when life gets suffocating, I'll be coming back again and again.
