Finding your center: Three reasons why you’re losing your balance

July 18, 2024

loss of balance

And why you should see a doctor right away, says MakatiMed 

Have you ever ridden a rollercoaster, had a bit too much to drink, or sailed over rough and choppy seas? Then you may have experienced a temporary loss of balance, that woozy, room-is-spinning feeling that leaves you staggering and holding on to support until you’ve regained your steadiness. 

A loss of balance and its accompanying symptoms can also be the result of a medical issue. “Your ability to sit, stand, and walk without falling or swaying from side to side involves more than your muscles and bones,” says Franco Louie L.B. Abes, MD, of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of top hospital in the Philippines, Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed). “These actions also involve your eyes, inner ear, nerves, heart, brain, muscles, and blood vessels. Once one of these key organs doesn’t function as it should, it can impact your balance.” 

According to MakatiMed, health-related balance problems can stem from one of three sources: 

The vestibular system “is usually related to the inner ear. Certain medications, ear infections, calcium crystals that move to the wrong side of the inner ear, too much fluid in the inner ear (Meniere’s disease), or a benign tumor in the ear (acoustic neuroma) can affect your balance,” says Dr. Abes. “Common symptoms to look out for are dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, blurred vision, and even falling.” 

The vascular system “controls the flow of blood to the brain. Poor circulation, standing up or sitting down too quickly (orthostatic hypotension), and stroke can manifest in the form of dizziness, lightheadedness, and the feeling of fainting,” Dr. Abes explains. 

The nervous system, “which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerves, can also be the cause of your imbalance issues,” Dr. Abes points out. “Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cervical spondylosis, multiple sclerosis, as well as the presence of an infarct or a concussion are conditions that can result in a loss of balance.” 

A thorough clinical examination and further diagnostic tests aid a physician in getting to the bottom of your balance problem. “You should likely see an otolaryngologist, who specializes in diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, neck, and throat,” says Dr. Abes. “If your loss of balance is due to dislodged crystals in your inner ear, then the doctor may do the Epley maneuver, which moves the calcium crystals back into their proper place. Steroids and vestibular rehabilitation therapy can address an inner ear infection and Meniere’s disease.” 

Proper vestibular evaluation and imaging tests of your head and brain are recommended if initial examinations and treatments do not resolve the problem.

“The point is not to delay a consultation,” advises Dr. Abes. “An unsteady gait doesn’t just interfere with your daily activities. It could lead to more problems like falls that could result in fractures or head trauma. By addressing your loss of balance issue early, you save yourself from complications that could be more detrimental to your health.” 

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.
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Gut Feeling: Keeping Your Tummy Happy After 40

July 16, 2024

LAC Probiotic Complex 25

Let's face it, life after 40 can bring some unexpected twists and turns, and gut health might be one of them. Don't worry, you're not alone! I'm turning 48 in two months and I have experienced some changes with my digestion and elimination. But let us fear not, there are plenty of things we can do to keep our tummy happy and healthy.

What's Up With My Gut?

As we get older, our digestive system can start to slow down a bit. This can lead to some common culprits like bloating,constipation, and heartburn. It's also around this time that food intolerances can pop up, making you feel like a detective trying to figure out which foods are your friends and which are your foes.

Gut-Friendly Tips

So, what can you do to keep your gut in tip-top shape? Here are a few simple tips:

Fiber, fiber, fiber: This is your gut's best friend. Load up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains to keep things moving smoothly.

Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water helps prevent constipation and keeps your digestive system hydrated.

Mindful eating: Slow down, savor your food, and listen to your body's hunger cues.

Move it: Regular exercise helps keep your digestive system moving and can reduce bloating.

Manage stress: Stress can wreak havoc on your gut. Try relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to help you unwind.

Probiotics and prebiotics: These beneficial bacteria can help improve gut health. You can find them in yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and other fermented foods. 

For my daily gut health support, I take LAC Probiotic Complex 25. It contains 25 billion CFUs specifically designed to maintain a healthy balance of gut microflora for optimal digestion and immunity. It also helps to relieve indigestion, bloating and stomach discomfort.

When to Worry

While it's normal to experience occasional digestive issues, it's important to pay attention to any persistent or severe symptoms. If you're experiencing persistent pain, changes in bowel habits, unexplained weight loss, or blood in your stool, it's time to see a doctor.

Remember, a happy gut can contribute to overall well-being, so take good care of yours! By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you can enjoy a healthier and happier life after 40.
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Shake It Up: Reorganizing Your Life (Without the Overwhelm)

Feeling stuck in a rut? Is your life starting to feel like a never-ending cycle of the same old, same old? It's time to shake things up! Reorganizing your life might sound like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be a stressful overhaul. Let's break it down into manageable steps.

Start Small, Dream Big

The key to successful life reorganization is to start small. Don't try to tackle everything at once. Focus on one area of your life at a time. Maybe it's your closet, your digital space, or your daily routine. Once you've mastered one area, you can move on to the next. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference.

Declutter Your Mind and Space

Physical clutter often reflects mental clutter. Take some time to declutter your surroundings. Donate, sell, or toss anything you don't need or love. A tidy and well-organized space can help clear your mind and boost your mood.

Rediscover Your Passions

What brings you joy? What are you truly passionate about? Take some time to reconnect with your hobbies or explore new interests. Having something to look forward to can give your life a fresh perspective.

Prioritize Self-Care

It's easy to put yourself last, but taking care of yourself is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Make time for activities that relax and rejuvenate you. This could be anything from reading, meditating, or simply taking a long bath.

Set Realistic Goals

Don't overwhelm yourself with unrealistic expectations. Set small, achievable goals and celebrate your successes. Remember, progress, not perfection, is the key.

Embrace Change

Change can be scary, but it's also an opportunity for growth. Embrace new experiences and step outside your comfort zone. You might be surprised at what you discover.

Remember, reorganizing your life is a journey, not a destination. It's about creating a life you love. So, take it one step at a time, enjoy the process, and most importantly, have fun!

Do you have a specific area of your life you'd like to reorganize? Start now. 
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Five Steps You Can Take Towards Longevity

July 10, 2024


By Michelle Ricker, RDN, Director, Worldwide Health Education and Training at Herbalife and Chair of the Herbalife Dietetic Advisory Board

Bidding farewell to a year that brought us more TikTok wellness advice, an abundance of processed fake meats, and inundated us with news on weight-loss injectables, the pursuit of a fulfilling and enduring life has become more desirable than ever. 

Longevity is not just about adding years to our life, but ensuring those years are vibrant, active, and deeply satisfying. Here are four practical healthy lifestyle habits to inspire you to continue making healthy choices that promote growth, longevity, and overall well-being.

Walk After Your Meals

Don’t underestimate the benefits of straight-up walking for overall health. Not only does this improve cardiovascular fitness, but it also strengthens bones and muscles. 

According to Michelle Ricker, RDN, Director, Worldwide Health Education and Training at Herbalife and Chair of the Herbalife Dietic Board, “Studies* show that light exercise, such as going for a five to ten minute walk following a meal, can aide in digestion and lower blood sugar. Post-meal walks are therefore a secret weapon for boosting metabolism and overall weight management.”

Regular brisk walking combined with healthy eating is extremely effective for weight loss, when overall energy output exceeds caloric intake. Walking also aids in the reduction of visceral fat, also known as belly or abdominal fat, which is particularly hazardous to one’s health. In fact, recent research published by the Journal of American College of Cardiology found that walking 800-10,000 steps per day cuts your risk of dying (all-cause mortality) by more than 50%.

Embrace the Power of Resistance Training

An increasing number of studies such as one published in the National Library of Medicine, are highlighting the importance of resistance training for overall physical health and how keeping and building lean muscle is key to longevity and a functioning metabolism. 

Michelle Ricker highlights that “As we age, our bodies begin to lose muscle mass. This effect does not only decrease our strength, but it also begins to decrease our bone density, as our muscles are the support structure for our bones. By adding resistance training, and subsequent lean muscle mass, we not only support our bones, but we also will burn more calories at rest since muscle burns more than fat-- another key to a strong metabolism.”

One could implement resistance training into their daily routine in a straightforward manner by performing push-ups, beginning with wall push-ups and progressing to the floor as their strength increases.

It has been demonstrated that resistance training and promoting muscle protein synthesis are excellent predictors of longevity. Researchers have found that it can combat common age-related physological changes like strength and declingin muscle mass, increase bone density, as well as reduction of body fat and the promotion of cognitive function.

Eat Your Protein

One of the biggest reasons to eat protein is that muscle mass decreases approximately 3-8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60.

It’s true that you need adequate protein in order to build lean muscle. But eating more protein alone won’t cause you to develop more muscle; resistance exercise is needed to target those muscles.

The process of muscle repair and growth (also known as muscle protein synthesis) occurs as your body recovers from a bout of exercise, and taking in about 20-30 grams of high quality protein after a strength-training workout and at each meal is one of the best way to promote muscle growth.

Having a good lean body or muscle mass more specifically, helps protect against bones becoming weaker or thinner. The body uses amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, for muscle repair and recovery. A high quality protein is preferential for the body for this process. Some great protein sources are meat, chicken, fish, eggs, soy, whey and caseine.

Take Care of Your Gut

Despite its vital importance, gut health remains one of the least discussed aspects of body maintenance The term “gut health” pertains to the presence of a well-functioning microbiome in the small and large intestines, as well as the absence of excessive digestive symptoms.

As we progress through life, there are a lot of things that can breakdown our microbiome. Some major factors include stress, eating sugar, fried foods, processed foods, and taking antibotics. 

It is important to rebuild our healthy gut, as it helps us by boosting our metabolism, keeping a healthy digestion, and aids in immune health since 70-80% of our immune cells are present in the gut.

According to Michelle Ricker “Taking a probiotic daily, eating variety of high fiber fruits and vegetables, fermented food, or yogurt are some of the ways that we can rebuild and repair our gut health. For immune health benefit, check the probiotic product strain and substantiation for this effect.” 

Seek Support

Another key aspect of longevity is seeking support. Joining a community or seeking support on your journey towards longevity will inspire you to unleash your creativity and meet your goals. For one thing, personal connection fosters motivation, making it more likely for you to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits and deliver results. A supportive environment also provides the opportunity to share experiences, access to diverse perspectives and can help you discover what works best for your unique goals. 

Longevity isn’t just about individual efforts, it thrives on connection, communal encouragement and creating a foundation for a healthier and more fulfuilling life. 

Michele Ricker concludes by reminding readers that “One can derive significant advantages from embracing a holistic approach to well-being that prioritizes physical activity, good nutrition, and meaningful connections with others. I encourage you to start a journey towards enduring well-being by incorporating these steps into your daily routine.”

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So, you hit your head? Get it checked!

July 08, 2024

traumatic brain injury

MakatiMed says no injury is too minor to take to a specialist 

When British actor Natasha Richardson fell and hit her head during a beginner’s skiing lesson in Quebec, Canada in 2009, she didn’t give the mishap a second thought. After reportedly refusing medical attention twice, she gave in when she developed a headache and other worrisome symptoms. Transported to a hospital in Montreal, she was placed in the intensive care unit and pronounced brain dead. With not much left to do for her, her husband, fellow actor Liam Neeson flew her home to New York to be with family and friends. She passed away soon after. 

Like Richardson, most of us would probably forgo a trip to the hospital when we accidentally bang our head in a fall or get hit by a hard object. “When we injure our arm or leg, we can see it through a bruise, wound, bump, or fracture,” says Cymbeline B. Perez-Santiago, MD, Chief of the Section of Neurology of the top hospital in the Philippines Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed). “But traumatic brain injury (TBI), or a sudden external force strong enough to move the brain within the skull, isn’t always visible.” 

TBI can range from a mild and temporary bruise, wound, or tender bump on the head, to more serious and life-threatening conditions. “A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that leaves you feeling dazed and with a headache, neck pain, or changes in vision,” explains Dr. Perez-Santiago. “A contusion refers to bleeding in the brain substance or parenchyma, like a bruise of the brai8 tissue. A skull fracture means you cracked your skull bone, and the sharp broken bones could cut into your brain or an artery, resulting in a pooling of blood that presses against your brain.” 

This pooling of blood is known as hematoma, and it can happen instantly upon impact to the head, or after several days and even weeks. Active bleeding can put pressure on the brain. “This puts you at risk for potential brain damage and even death,” adds Dr. Perez-Santiago. 

For MakatiMed, no head injury is too minor or insignificant to take to a specialist. “Because some damage caused by a head injury happens over time, it’s still recommended that you see your doctor within a week of the accident. That way, they can request for follow-up imaging tests, check for new symptoms, or gauge whether existing symptoms have worsened or improved,” highlights Dr. Perez-Santiago. 

If the head injury is minor: “Sit or lie comfortably with the head slightly elevated. Apply an ice pack on the injured site, and clean any surface wound with water and a wound disinfectant. Give an over-the-counter pain reliever in case of a headache,” says Dr. Perez-Santiago. “A person with a head injury doesn’t necessarily have to stay awake at all times, but make sure he or she can be woken up gently and respond in a normal way.” 

If the head injury includes the following symptoms: “Vomiting, headaches and dizziness, double vision, confusion, memory loss, difficulty keeping awake, balance problems, trouble hearing and speaking, and pain that doesn’t go away even after taking a pain reliever are signs of a more serious injury,” notes Dr. Perez-Santiago. “Time is of the essence. Go to the nearest emergency room immediately.” 

If the head injury presents symptoms days or weeks after the accident: “See your doctor as soon as possible for persistent headaches and nausea, memory and balance issues, one-sided weakness, disorientation, contusions, and increase in drowsiness,” asserts Dr. Perez-Santiago. “These are red flags that strongly indicate complications following the head injury.” 

“Again, after you hit your head, it’s best to see a neurologist who can assess your condition and avert any problems that may arise from what you assumed was a minor accident,” reminds Dr. Perez-Santiago. 

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit
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Embrace Digestive Wellness This Nutrition Month

June 27, 2024

healthy digestive system

Enhance your digestive system with balanced nutrition and key supplements for a healthier lifestyle

As we celebrate Nutrition Month this July, it's the perfect time to shine a spotlight on the importance of proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Good digestive health is vital for overall well-being, and it starts with what we choose to nourish our bodies with. But in our busy lives, achieving the ideal balance of nutrients from food alone can be a challenge. 

Case in point, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlights the difficulties people face in accessing a healthy diet. The report reveals that in 2020, approximately 3 billion people worldwide do not follow a healthy and nutritious diet. 

In the Philippines, studies have also shown that many adults do not meet the recommended daily intake of essential nutrients. For instance, the World Bank report on undernutrition in the Philippines indicates significant gaps in nutrient intake among the population, contributing to the country's concern for undernutrition. Additionally, research published in the Nutrition Journal points out that Filipino adults often consume diets lacking in important nutrients, which correlates with increased risks of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, among others. 

The Role of Digestive Wellness

Digestive wellness isn't just about avoiding discomfort after meals—it's the key that unlocks the goodness in your food. A well-functioning digestive system breaks down food efficiently, allowing your body to absorb vital nutrients. These nutrients power one’s energy, immunity, and mental well-being. Thus, a poor digestive system can leave you feeling like you're putting in the effort but not getting the results. Even the most nutritious meals may not be fully utilized if your body struggles to absorb them.

Fuel Your Body Right

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting one’s digestive health. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals helps keep your digestive tract running smoothly. Think of your body as a car: without the right fuel, it won’t run efficiently. The same goes for your digestive system - it needs the right nutrients to keep you going strong.

However, despite our best efforts, several diets often fall short. This is where specific supplements come into play. They bridge the nutritional gaps, ensuring our bodies get what they need to function optimally. In fact, according to a report by Vero and Decision Lab, at least 70% of Millennials and 60% of Gen Z say they take vitamins and supplements regularly, with 75.5% of Gen Z and 85% of Millennials using supplements to help boost immunity.

Supplements: Your Digestive Health Allies

While we should aim to get most of our nutrients from food, the reality is that it’s not always possible. Busy schedules, resorting to processed and fatty foods, and even certain cooking methods can reduce the nutrient content of our meals. This is why supplements are important to help fill in the nutritional gaps and maintain digestive health.

For instance, digestive enzyme supplements can help break down food more effectively, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. Similarly, probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria to your gut, supporting a healthy microbiome and improving digestion.

Embrace the Benefits of Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics

Digestive enzymes and probiotics are essential in your journey to better digestive health. LAC GastroRx Digest Enzymes, a plant-based formula rich in enzymes from fermented fruit and vegetable extracts, enhances nutrient absorption and supports healthy digestion. Ideal for those experiencing age-related or stress-induced indigestion, these enzymes improve the release of macro and micro-nutrients from food. It also comes in powdered sticks form, offering a convenient way to take in digestive enzymes and well-studied probiotic strains that are vital for gut wellness. 

Additionally, LAC Probiotics Complex 25B CFUs capsules, made with ingredients such as Lactobacillus Casei and Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Crispatus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Lactobacillus Fermentum, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus which help fight against harmful bacteria and reduce food intolerance while breaking down food better and promote absorption of nutrients, promote gastrointestinal health, and also boost immunity. 

By keeping ourselves in check when it comes to proper nutrition and incorporating these supplements, we can maintain peak digestive health even amidst our hectic lifestyles. Remember, a healthy gut means a happier you—let’s make digestive wellness a priority this Nutrition Month and beyond.
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Skip, skip to the loo for extra number twos? It shouldn’t be a cause for concern, MakatiMed assures

Nature’s call is hard to deny, especially if it’s number two! This is why we know the malls and gasoline stations with the best comfort rooms—we need that reliable flush and bidet for the extra trip. One can’t help but wonder: is my twice-a-day-or-more bathroom habit something to panic about? 

Carlo M. Cornejo, MD, Section Chief of Gastroenterology in the top hospital in the Philippines Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed) says there’s no need to panic—just yet. 

“First, there’s really no absolute standard for how often one should poop. Most experts agree healthy bowel movement frequency can range from three times a day to three times a week, depending on the person,” says Dr. Cornejo. “Any changes to this frequency can be caused by a number of dietary and lifestyle factors.”

In fact, pooping more often might be a sign of a healthier body. One of the most common reasons for an increase in bowel movements is due to more fiber intake from vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and beets. Even exercising more causes frequent trips to the bathroom as it helps digestion and makes colon muscles contract more, which helps move stools regularly. 

“Eating more fiber and working out are actually things doctors recommend if a patient is constipated. In some cases, pooping more often should be welcomed,” adds Dr. Cornejo. 

Other causes for pooping more might just be simple lifestyle factors such as being stressed and frequently drinking coffee. “If you’re stressed out at work then neurotransmitters send signals from the brain to the gut, which may cause the gut to alter your digestion,” explains Dr. Cornejo. “It doesn’t help that many people cope with stress by turning to coffee. One extra cup is enough to cause more movement and muscle contraction in the intestines.”

So, when is pooping more a sign of a serious problem? MakatiMed says to watch out for discomforts like abdominal cramps and pain, bloody stool, and mucus in poop. You should also stay vigilant for possible accompanying symptoms like weight and hair loss. These could be signs of more serious underlying conditions ranging from gastroenteritis to Crohn’s disease. 

“Pooping more frequently shouldn’t be anything more than a mild inconvenience at most. You should still be able to go through your daily life largely unaffected,” shares Dr. Cornejo. “As soon as there’s a sign of anything else going on, I highly recommend visiting your doctor before the problem gets worse.”

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.

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